Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lesson Plan for 11/4 and 11/5/2019

  1. No Early Work!  We will start a new sheet and add up the old set on Wed/Thurs.
  2. Dichotomous Key of Fish Assignments.  Mr. Plies will give you some tips and go over how to do the first fish.  You can do this assignment in pairs and then turn in 1 fish sheet with both of your names on it.  You can give the Fish Key sheet back to Mr. Plies when you are done so we can reuse them.
  3. Now you can design your own dichotomous key to separate at least 10 items from the theme of your choice.  Some ideas include movies, fruits, sports, etc.  There are many ways to do it, but you should include at least 10 images and write your key based on observable characteristics.
  4. When done, work on your pre-write for your Populations Lab.  We will start taking data on Wednesday.  First draft is due next week, so make sure you have plans to take your data.  
  5. 4th Period:  You can also work on completing the Animal Phyla Lab.

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