Monday, September 29, 2014

The Week of 9/29-10/3

  • Mon 9/29:  Finish clay models and link them into polymers/fats.  Almost finish the dictionary coloring.  Short Quiz tomorrow (know glucose, 2 named amino acids, and how dehydration synthesis works).  
  • Tues 9/30:  Add up Early Work Set #1!  Short Quiz.  Notes on Nucleic Acids.  Building DNA molecules.  Molecular Modeling.  Finish dictionary coloring and get checked off.
  • Thurs 10/2:  Foods and nutrition.  BMI.   Building Bead Models of Nucleic Acids.  Complete hand-out as we go and get initials as needed.  Hand out testing for different macromolecules in food.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Week of 9/22-9/25

  • Mon 9/22:  Finish Water Olympics Lab and turn in.  Turn in Chemistry Review if not already.  Go over what is on Statistics Quiz.  Coloring Biochemical Building Blocks.
  • Tues 9/23:  Take Statistics Quiz.  Continue Coloring.  Notes on carbohydrates, dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis.
  • Thurs 9/25:  Notes on Proteins and Fats.  Continue coloring Biochemical Building Blocks.  Start building clay models.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hey, What's On Tuesday's Statistics Quiz/Test? (edited)

You should be prepared to do the following:

  1. Use a TI-84 calculator to enter 2 sets of data, find standard deviation and t-test.  You are responsible to know how to use the calculator--no instructions given!
  2. Describe the meaning of standard deviation and know what percentages of a sample are within 1 and 2 standard deviations
  3. Find the number of degrees of freedom and use this and a chart of critical values to find the critical value for 2 sets of data
  4. Interpret the meaning of the t-test value!
  5. Calculate uncertainty using the high-low divided by 2 method.
  6. Use data collected from a few quadrats to calculate the size of the whole (as you did in counting brine shrimp cysts)
  7. Count number of significant figures
  8. Compute and round using the appropriate rules
  9. Propagate uncertainty (one adding example and one multiplying example)
  10. Make sure that you show your work where asked and round all answers appropriately!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Week of 9/15-9/19

  • Monday 9/15:  Making Frequency Distributions.  Continue working on the Statistics Packet, which will be due tomorrow.  I will also check off the TI-84 Activity in class tomorrow.
  • Tues 9/16:  Turn in Statistics Packet.  Check off TI-84 Activity.  Questions on Statistics?  Questions on Classroom Expectations?  Chemistry Review done with class text books.
  • Thurs 9/18:  Finish Chemistry Review and turn in.  Water Olympics Lab.  Start Coloring in Dictionary of Biochemical Building Blocks.  Statistics Quiz next Tuesday 9/23.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Schedule for the first 2 weeks of school

  • Tues 9/2:  Introduction to class, fill out Student Information Sheet, hand out Safety and Academic Honesty Contracts (due signed by Tues 9/9), Demonstrate Early Work, Start Brine Shrimp Lab (counting cysts).  Bring TI-84 calculators this week and next.
  • Thurs 9/4:  Review brine shrimp calculations.  Count live shrimp and calculate percent hatching.  Hand out significant figure rules and worksheet.  Go over calculating average and uncertainty and counting sig figs and do 1-9, 18-20, and the back of the worksheet for Monday.
  • Mon 9/8:  Characteristics of a good graph.  Using LoggerPro to make good graphs.  Graph the data from the 2 data tables on the back of the significant figure worksheet.
  • Tues 9/9:  Turn in signed Safety and Academic Honesty contracts if not already.  Calculating with significant figures and propagating the uncertainty.  Finish sig. figs. worksheet.  Finish Brine Shrimp Hand-Out (calculate the uncertainty of the percent hatching, showing work).  Turn in completed Brine Shrimp Counting Lab hand-out today or Thursday.  Significant Figure worksheet sheet is due Thursday.  If time, use TI-84 calculators to work through TI-84 activity.
  • Thurs 9/11:  Turn in significant figures worksheet and Brine Shrimp Lab..  Finish TI-84 activity and work through statistics packet, including making a frequency distribution and familiarizing yourself with the formulas for standard deviation and t-test.  Turn TI-84 Activity in today.  Statistics Packet is due Tuesday 9/16.

Welcome to IB Biology!!

This website will be a resource for you as you embark on 2 years of higher level IB Biology.  Here you can find useful links, most class documents, and a fairly-well updated schedule of what we are doing in class.  Come here first if you miss class, lose a hand-out, or just can't remember what is due.  Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions at all.  I'm not connected to the web 24-7 like many people these days, but I do try to respond within 12-24 hours.