Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Final Internal Assessment Instructions

The Final Internal Assessment is due through turnitin.com on Thursday, March 8, 2018.  Please remove all identifying information before you submit it.  For those who haven't submitted a first draft, you need to do it by this Sunday, March 4th if you want me to read it and give comments.  Otherwise, you will just submit the final version. 

Here are some things I have noticed in the rough drafts so far that would be fairly easy to fix and would gain you some points:

  1. Exploration:  Make sure that your research question is FOCUSED, not broad.  Show good awareness of factors that might influence the quality of the data.  Make sure that you address safety, ethical, or environmental issues.
  2. Analysis:  Make sure that your data table is clearly labeled, and has units and uncertainty for each quantity that you measured.  Processed data should be clearly presented with a sample calculation for each type done.  Graphs should have uncertainty bars and actually help in the understanding of the data.  Many of you are including confusing and sometimes excessive graphs!  The impact of uncertainty on the analysis should be considered.
  3. Evaluation:  A conclusion should be stated using the data as support.  Results should be compared to the accepted scientific context.  Strengths and weaknesses should be considered.  Realistic improvements and extensions to the investigation should be described/discussed.
  4. Communication:  Make sure that you proofread...more than once.  Have someone else read it too if you are not good at catching your mistakes.  Make sure that the formatting lines up (like page breaks) before you submit to turnitin.com.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Instructions for Group IV Project and other Information

This is copied from an e-mail message I sent out to students:

Hello Kenny 2nd year students!

Due to the snow and other reasons, many of you missed classed this past week.  I want to make sure that you know what you need to do for next week.  All students (even if you are not doing the Group IV Project) need to do the Passion for Sustainability assignment.  It involves watching the video linked on my website and filling out the worksheet (in the documents section of my website).  You will notice that the end asks you to do a little research about sustainable practices in others parts of the world.  This is surprisingly easy as groups around the world love to share what they are doing, but it is also important to bring this outside perspective with you when you go into the Group IV Project.

For students involved in the project on Monday, you hopefully got the e-mail from Ms. Wadkins that tells you what group you're in and also the room number at PSU.  Remember to bring a fully-charged laptop and the appropriate clothes/shoes for walking around downtown, possibly in the rain.  Most of the project will be done on Monday, although you might have to finish a reflection and commenting on other group's proposals on your own time.  You should bring your completed Passion for Sustainability hand-out on Monday and save it to turn in to me on Wednesday 2/28.

Students who are not doing the Group IV Project should complete the Passion for Sustainability assignment to turn in next Wednesday 2/28.

I have decided to move the Movement/Kidney test from Friday 3/2 to Tuesday 3/6 so that you have more time to learn the material.  The final IA due date will be changed to Thursday 3/8.  I will catch up with giving feedback on IA's this week-end.  Many of you still need to turn in a first draft!

Have a great week-end and don't forget to spend a little time to think about sustainability!
Ms. Kenny

Monday, February 12, 2018

Movement and the Kidney and the start of Reproduction

  • Tues 2/13:  First full draft of IA due today through turnitin.com.  Talk to me if yours will be later.  Quick review of biochemistry.  Go over the human elbow joint and dissect chicken wings.  Turn in write up in pairs (observations, labeled diagram, answer questions).
  • Thurs 2/15:  Go over muscle cell structure and the sliding filament model.  Crash Course video on muscle action.  Read 11.3.
  • Tues 2/20:  Structure of the kidney and structure of the functional unit (nephron).  Overview of Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis.
  • Thurs 2/22:  Go over what happens during all parts of the nephron and glomerulus.  The role of ADH.  Dialysis.  Do 2 of the DBQ's in section 11.3.  Watch Passion for Sustainability Video and fill out hand-out (everyone does this, even students not doing the project)
  • Mon 2/26:  Group IV Project
  • Wed 2/28:  Turn in Passion for Sustainability Hand-Out.  Kidney/Movement Review.  Start Hormones.
  • Fri 3/2:  Kidney/Movement Test. More on hormones.  Read 6.6.  Kidney and Movement test moved to next Tuesday 3/6.  Final IA due through turnitin.com on Thursday 3/8.