Monday, January 28, 2013

Final Exam Guidelines

1.Bring pencils, paper, and something to do quietly when you are done
2.Go to restroom BEFORE the test!  No bathroom passes until after you are done, and then 1 at a time
3.NO CELL PHONES OUT PERIOD!!  Bring something else to do.
4.No talking until EVERYONE is finished.  This is basic courtesy to your classmates.
5.Cheating on any part of the test will result in a zero.  Don’t do it!

Finally, get enough rest, eat healthy food, and try not to stress too much about the test.  You will be okay!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

1/14-2/1 (End of Semester)

We are getting down to the end of the semester.  This week you will get a mitosis/meiosis review and a Semester Review.  You will also take a test on mitosis/meiosis.  Late work and extra credit is due by Friday, January 25.

  • Mon 1/14:  Information on genetic testing.  Discussion on the ethics of genetic testing.  Write 1-2 paragraphs discussing issues around genetic testing (include at least 2 points of view).  Turn that in with the results of the karyotyping activity stapled to the "Creature" worksheet.  Can be turned in either today or tomorrow.  Hand out Mitosis/Meiosis Review. 
  • Tues 1/15:  Turn in "creature" worksheet/karyotyping/genetic testing discussion if not already.  Review phases of mitosis and meiosis using microscopes and pictures.  Work on Mitosis/Meiosis Review.
  • Thurs 1/17:   Punnett grids.  Review for Mitosis/Meiosis Test. 
  • Mon 1/21:  Martin Luther King Day Holiday.  No School.
  • Tues 1/22:  Turn in Mitosis/Meiosis Review.  Take Mitosis/Meiosis Test.  Review for Final Exam.
  • Thurs 1/24:  More Review for Final Exam.
  • Fri 1/25:  Late Work/Extra Credit Deadline by 3:20 pm.
  • Mon 1/28:  Full 8 Monday.  Last minute questions on exam.  How to calculate your goal percentage on final exam.
  • Tues 1/29:  Finals for periods 1, 4, 7
  • Wed 1/30:  Finals for periods 2, 5, 8
  • Thurs 1/31:  Finals for periods 3,6
  • Fri:  Teacher Work Day.  No School.

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Week of 1/7-1/11

  • Mon 1/7:  Notes on Cell Regulation and Checkpoints.  Finish Mitosis Activities if needed and turn in Mitosis Worksheet.  Read 12.3.
  • Tues 1/8:  Stages of Meiosis and Vocabulary of Meiosis.  Crossing over.  Meiosis Creature Activity.  Read 13.1 and 13.2. 
  • Thurs 1/10:  Finish your creature drawing.  Things that can go wrong in meiosis.  Using karyotypes to predict possible genetic defects.  Discuss issues surrounding this topic in small groups.   Read 13.3.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013! The Week of 1/2-1/4

  • Wed 1/2 (Full 8 Schedule):  Notes on the the Cell Cycle.  Finish up the mitosis and vocabulary assignment for tomorrow.
  • Thurs 1/3:  Check off Mitosis and Vocabulary assignment and go over.  Finish notes on the cell cycle. Identify phases of mitosis in onion root tip microscope slides.