Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Respiration Topics To Be Studied 12/15 and 12/17 and on your own during January Data Collection

You May Use My Notes, Your At-Home Text, and The Scanned 6.4 Section on this Website
  • Be able to describe the purpose of ventilation
  • Describe structure and function for alveoli, including type I and type II pneumocytes (cells in the alveoli)
  • Identify anatomy of the respiratory system, including trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles
  • Be able to describe “negative pressure” breathing and the muscle contractions that force air in and out of the lungs (inspiration and expiration)
  • Understand the concept of antagonistic muscle action and the antagonist pairs at work in breathing
  • Be able to discuss causes and consequences of lung cancer and emphysema
  • Suggest methods for monitoring of ventilation in humans at rest and after mild and vigorous exercise (ventilation rate and tidal volume)

Friday, December 11, 2015

Heart Quiz on Tuesday, December 15

What's on it?

  • Label parts on a heart diagram (similar to the one on your circulation worksheet)
  • Outline the path of the blood through the heart chambers, vessels, and valves
  • Distinguish between arteries, veins, and capillaries in terms of their properties, locations, etc.
  • Describe how valves (heart and vein) work to keep blood going one way and not the other
  • Describe the control of the heart beat (via sinoatrial node, 2 nerves from medulla of brain, and a hormone.  Also know about the conducting fibers and what it means to be myogenic muscle)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Now until Winter Break!!

  • Mon 12/7:  Pig Heart Dissection!  With 1 or 2 other people, dissect the pig heart.  Draw external heart, internal heart, label and measure as many parts as you can, and write observations.  Pluck demonstration of pig lung action.  Finish working on Circulation Worksheet, due Wednesday.  Field Trip form due for anyone planning on going on the PM Cadavaer Field Trip on Wednesday.
  • Wed 12/9:  AM:  Notes on Blood Vessels and Heart Structure.  Finish working on Circulation Worksheet and get it checked off.  Turn in Dissection observations/drawings/and measurements if not already.  PM:  Cadaver Field Trip!  Please arrive in the room by 11:40 so that we can leave in good time.  Bring your Tri-Met pass, wear comfortable clothes, and make sure that you are well-rested and fed.
  • Fri 12/11:  Control of the Heart Beat.  Use measuring tools to take blood pressure and heart rate.  Go over what will be on the Heart Quiz next Tuesday.  Turn in your proposed research question for the "Big IA".
  • Tues 12/15:  Review the heart!!  Circulation Quiz on blood vessels, path of the blood through the heart, valve function, and control of the heart's rhythm.  When finished, study the structure of the lungs.  If time, we will go over the process of breathing.
  • Thurs 12/17:  Please turn your proposed procedure for the Big IA, including the equipment that you will need.  Gas exchange at the alveoli.  Read 6.4.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


  • Tues 11/17:  Jeopardy Review for Evolution Test.  Take data for Populations Lab.
  • Thurs 11/19:  Take Evolution Test.  Pick up Digestion Coloring sheet and review the digestive system for next Monday.
  • Mon 11/23:  Overview of the digestive system.  Longitudinal section of the small intestine.  Digestive enzymes.  Complete coloring the digestive system.  Read 6.1 from IB Bio text (see link on website).  Bring signed Cadaver Field trip form for students going on the am field trip on Tuesday, December 1st.  Afternoon trip is on Wed, December 9.
  • Wed 11/25:  Populations Lab due today through turnitin.com.  Go over structure of villi and absorption in the digestive system.  Quiz on the digestive system next Thursday, December 3rd.
  • Thursday/Friday:  No School for Thanksgiving Holiday.
  • Tues 12/1:  Cadaver Field Trip for 5th period (and other students electing to go on this field trip).  Please arrive to class by 8:00, so we can leave exactly at 8:10!!  7th and 8th periods will still have class today.  We will be studying the structure and function of blood vessels.  We will also brainstorm Internal Assessment ideas for the "Big IA".
  • Thurs 12/3:  Review for digestive system quiz.  Take quiz.   Structure of the heart and blood flow through the system.  
PM Cadaver Field Trip next Wed 12/9.  Get your Field Trip form signed and turned in by Monday 12/7!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

10.3 Questions to be done in your notebook

  1. Define gene pool
  2. Define evolution in terms of allele frequencies
  3. Describe 3 patterns of natural selection (directional, stabilizing, disruptive)
  4. Look at data-based questions on 456 and 457 and briefly describe what each study is showing
  5. Do data-based questions on p. 458
  6. Describe different categories of reproductive isolation: geographic (allopatric), behavioral, temporal (sympatric).  Give examples of each.
  7. Do Bird song questions on p. 459.
  8. Distinguish between gradualism and punctuated equilibrium in evolution.  Why did scientists look towards a “punctuated” model?
  9. Describe polyploidy and how it contributes to evolution.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Weeks of 10/19-11/13

  • Mon 10/19:  Notes on Evidence for Evolution and Natural Selection.  Data-based questions on pp. 244, 249, 253, and 257.  Beak of the Finch Quiz on Chapters 1-3 on Mon 10/26!  Please bring your book!
  • No School Wed 10/21-Fri 10/23 for Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences.
  • Mon 10/26:  Quiz on Chapters 1-3 of Beak of the Finch.  Finish data-based questions.  Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Simulation.
  • Wed 10/28:  Independent Activity Packet while we rotate each group t
  • Wed 10/28:  Catch up day to finish data-based questions and the Hardy-Weinberg Packet.  2nd Beak of the Finch quiz (Chapters 4-6) on Mon 11/2.
  • Fri 10/30:  No School.  Grading Day.
  • Mon 11/2:  Beak quiz on Chapters 4-6.  Note-taking on Speciation and Barriers to Reproduction.  Introduce Populations Lab.
  • Wed 11/4:  Evolution of Life on Earth.  Endosymbiotic Theory.
  • Fri 11/6:  Beak Lab.  Graph Results and start answering lab questions.  Please turn in your question and projected plan (procedure and materials) for the Populations Lab today or Tuesday.
  • Tues 11/10:  Beak of the Finch quiz on Chapters 7-9.   Finish beak lab and turn it in (your personal data, your 2 graphs, and the answers to the questions).  Hand out Evolution Review for Test Thursday 11/19.
  • Wed 11/11:  Veteran's Day Holiday.
  • Fri 11/13:  Replicas of Human Skulls Activity.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Biodiversity Test on Thursday 10/15

The test will consist of:
1)  6-8 Multiple Choice Questions
2)  I will give you 8-10 organisms to sort and you can sort them using a cladogram or a dichotomous key
3)  1 data-based question (including 3-4 questions)
4) 3-5 short answer questions.  Could include comparisons of organisms in different phyla or chordate classes, a question on how to make cladograms using amino acid sequences, question on the binomial system, the 3 domains, etc.
5)  List 2 distinct species from Kingdom to Species (must be at least in different classes)
6)  You might have to interpret a cladogram that has numbers on it, using the numbers to determine how far apart the species are evolutionarily.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Weeks of 10/5-10/16

  • Tues 10/6:  How to build a cladogram video.  Build a cladogram activity using morphological characteristics.  Go over Biodiversity topics for test next Thursday 10/15.  Work on Animal Poster Project due next Tues 10/13. 
  • Thurs 10/8:  How to build a cladogram using Uniprot and amino acid sequences.  Finish poster project.
  • Tues 10/13:  Walk-around evaluation of animal posters.  Questions on Biodiversity topics?  Evidence for Evolution.
  • Thurs 10/15:  Biodiversity test.  Natural Selection.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Are you interested in signing up for Chest Watch?

It will be on Friday, October 16th from 6:00 am until about 11:00 am.  You can get information about it and sign up by using this link.

Sign up here.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Mesocosm Assignment: Due Friday, October 2 through turnitin.com

One of the 9 practicals required by IB in the new syllabus is observations of a mesocosm.  For this assignment, I would like you to write a minimum of 2 solid paragraphs.

1)  Summarize your observations, using dates, which mesocosm you are referring to, and describing plants, animals, and abiotic conditions.
2)  Suggest reasons for the changes you observed in terms of cycles occurring within the mesocosms.  You may do some minimal research as long as you cite your source(s).  Do you think the mesocosm has reached a stable state?  Why or why not?

You'll need to add this class again for turnitin.com, as last year's class has expired.

New class ID:  10803960
Password:  mesocosm

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Dichotomous Key Assignment: Due Wed 9/30

  • To be done by yourself or with one other person
  • Write your own dichotomous key to classify at least 10 items
  • Provide pictures (either downloaded and printed or drawn) for the user
  • The key should be based on visible traits
  • The key should make sense
  • Be creative, but make it logical

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Weeks of 9/21-10/2

  • Tues 9/22:  Questions?  Take Ecology Test.  Do Fish Dichotomous Key in pairs. Observe mesocosms.
  • Thurs 9/24:  Finish Fish Dichotomous Key.  Make your own dichotomous key separating at least 10 items of your choice for Wed 9/30.  Classification Hierarchy.  Observe mesocosms.
  • Mon 9/28:   Main categories of animals and plants. Finish mesocosm observations.  Summarize for Friday 10/2.  
  • Wed 9/30:  Exchange dichotomous keys and do them.  Animal Phyla Classification Lab.  Introduce cladograms.
  • Fri 10/2:  Notes on cladistics and cladograms.  Hand out Animal Poster Project.  Work time to finish animal classification lab and start animal poster project.  Mesocosm write-up due by 11:59 tonight through turnitin.com

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Week of 9/14

  • Mon 9/14:  Make a class mesocosm and take preliminary data.  Watch a video on  Bog Bodies.  Complete Carbon Cycle posters and display in the room.  Work time on 4.3 and 4.4 questions (due Wed, but turn in today if finished).  PhET Greenhouse Effect simulation.
  • Wed 9/16:  More work on 4.3 and 4.4 questions and get them checked off.  What Katharine Hayhoe video on Climate Change.  Climate Change ethical questions.  Jeopardy Review for Ecology Test on Friday. Mesocosm observations.
  • Fri 9/18:  Jeopardy Review (Ecology Test postponed until next Tuesday 9/22) and go over Data-Based Questions. Fish dichotomous key.  Mesocosm observations.

Monday, September 7, 2015

First Couple Weeks of School!

  • Fri 8/28:  Hand out Topic Sequence for this year and a book assignment for 4.1 (the first section of ecology).  Do the work on your own sheet of paper to be turned in next Tuesday.  Hand out Safety and Academic Honesty contracts to be signed and turned in by next Thursday 9/4.
  • Tues 9/1:  Go over what we will be covering this year and review class expectations.  Go over ecology definitions and how to calculate the chi-squared.  Finish 4.1 worksheet and turn in.  Watch Jane Poynter video on Biosphere 2.  If time, do trials on the Sustainability Game.
  • Thurs 9/3:  Turn in signed contracts if not already.  In your notes, record results for 4-5 trials of the Sustainability Game.  Do data-based questions on pages 214, 216, and 219 of IB text in your notes.  To be checked off on Tuesday 9/8.
  • Tues 9/8:  Finish data-based questions in notes and get both the Sustainability game results and the data-based questions checked off.  Review energy transformations and trophic levels.  At your tables, make an illustrated food web poster that includes at least 10 organisms, one chain of at least 4 links, and using species names.  Start Carbon Cycle.  
  • Thurs 9/10:  Exchange Food Web Posters to determine trophic levels and offer feedback.  Make illustrated posters of the Carbon Cycle including important pools of carbon and fluxes (transformations).  Use the Carbon Cycle links on this website and the IB syllabus in the class books to guide what you include.  Start Carbon Cycling and Climate Change Worksheet using IB books.  Due Wednesday, 9/16.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome Back to the 2015-2016 School Year!!

Hello students!  I am so excited to see you back in the classroom this week and next!  As I checked back into this blog, I realized that the last thing I wrote about was the surgical viewing.  Those of you who were signed up know that it was cancelled.  Hopefully it will be rescheduled for this fall.  This year we will be studying the following topics, in pretty close to this order:

First Semester
Digestion and Absorption
Gas Exchange

Second Semester
Muscles and Movement
The Kidney
Nerves, Hormones, and Homeostasis
Sexual Reproduction
Neurobiology and Behavior

In addition, we will be doing several inquiry labs this fall that will prepare you for the larger Internal Assessment that you will perform in the winter.   The IB Biology Exam is scheduled for May 4th and 5th, 2016.  During and after testing, we will have time to do fun, biology-related projects.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Surgical Viewing Information

If you are interested in signing up to see a surgical viewing this summer, July 17th, at Providence Portland, use this link!

Click Here!

Friday, May 22, 2015

End of the Year Schedule!!

  • Mon 5/25:  Memorial Day.  No School!
  • Tues 5/26:  Plant Growth!  Hand-out Plant Review for test next Tues 6/2.
  • Thurs 5/28:  Turn in Seed Germination Lab if not already!  Phototropism and Photoperiodism.  Review Plants.  Hand-out review for Semester Final!
  • Mon 6/1:  Full 8 Schedule.  Questions on Plant Test?  Review for Final Exam.  Get any late work or extra credit turned in this week.  Final SPARK lecture of the school year is today at 3:30!
  • Tues 6/2:  Plant Test. Review for Final Exam.
  • Thurs 6/4:  Review for Final Exam.
  • Mon 6/8:  Review for Final Exam.
  • Tues 6/9:  Part I of Final Exam.
  • Thurs 6/11:  Part II of Final Exam.
Enjoy your summer!  You have earned it!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Seed Germination Lab: What Do You Need?

The official due date is Thursday, May 28th, although you can turn in early for some extra credit points.
1)  Focused Question
2)  Background information
3)  Variables, explained!
4)  Materials
5)  Procedure, be specific!!
6)  Data Table w/ uncertainty and observations
7)  Calculations, including t-tests. If you have 4 complete sets of data, how many t-tests is that?  6!
8)  Conclusion
9)  Evaluation, can do as chart

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Weeks of 5/11-5/21

  • Mon 5/11:  Hand out Field Trip Form for Hoyt Arboretum trip next Tuesday, May 19th (you won't miss any other classes).  Please get it signed by a parent/guardian ASAP.  Brief notes on Plant Origins.  Finish Transpiration Lab and turn in.
  • Tues 5/12:  Finish notes on plant origins and notes on flowers.  Do Plant and Flower Worksheet.  Make solutions for your seed germination lab if you want.
  • Thurs 5/14:  Amazing Video on Plants.  Fill out Video Notes Hand-Out as you go.  Do Computer Research on the Hoyt Arboretum.  Finish Plant and Flower Worksheet and turn in.
  • Mon 5/18:  SPARK Lecture today on Soil Conservation!  Prep for Hoyt Arboretum Field Trip.
  • Tues 5/19:  Hoyt Arboretum Field Trip!  Arrive to class on time with your Tri-Met pass, sturdy shoes, and appropriate clothing.  You will have a hand-out to fill out on the trip.
  • Thurs 5/21:  Debrief Hoyt Field Trip.  Transport through phloem and plant growth.
Your Seed Germination Lab is due Thursday, May 28th, although you can get some bonus points for turning it in early, especially if it is turned in by Friday May 22nd!!

Monday, May 4, 2015


SPARK Lecture on Monday 5/4!!  Tim Mattson amazing images of the universe!

  • Mon 5/4:  Germinate some seeds!  Work on Leaf Worksheet, due tomorrow.  
  • Tues 5/5:  Check your seeds!  Talk about Seed Germination Inquiry  Finish Leaf Worksheet and get checked off.  Read about transpiration in Chapter 9 of the new books.  Set up leaves for transpiration inquiry.
  • Thurs 5/7:  Check your seeds again.  Finish transpiration lab activities.  Seed germination and plant transportation notes.
We will be going on a Field Trip to the Hoyt Arboretum on Tuesday, May 19th!

Sunday, April 26, 2015


  • Mon 4/27:  Restriction Enzyme Worksheet.  Work on Bioethics Posters.
  • Tues 4/28:  1st period doesn't have class due to ACT.  3rd and 4th periods will finish posters, turn in, and set up Seed Germination.
  • Thurs 4/30:  Questions before Biotech Quiz?  Take Quiz.  1st period does set up for Seed Germination and then beginning notes on plants.  3rd and 4th periods takes quiz and then does Leaf Structure coloring and worksheet.

Biotechnology Quiz on Thursday 4/30

Syllabus Statements for Biotech:

  • Gel electrophoresis is used to separate proteins or fragments of DNA according to size
  • PCR can be used to amplify small amount of DNA
  • DNA profiling involves comparison of DNA
  • Genetic modification is carried out lby gene transfer between species
  • Clones are groups of genetically identical organisms, derived from a single original parent cell
  • Many plant species and some animal species have natural methods of cloning
  • Animals can be cloned at the embryo stage by breaking up the embryo into more than one group of cells
  • Methods have been developed for cloning adult animals using differentiated cells
Applications and skills:
  • Be able to describe the use of DNA profiling in paternity and forensic investigations
  • Be able to describe the process of gene transfer to bacteria using plasmids, restriction endonucleases, and DNA ligase
  • Be able to assess potential risks and benefits associated with genetic modification of crops
  • Be able to describe the process of making cloned embryos produced by somatic-cell nuclear transfer (as in Dolly the sheep)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Week of 4/20-4/24

  • Mon 4/20:  Turn in Stem Cell Interactives if not already.  Using new IB books in the classroom, take notes on Gel Electrophoresis, PCR, and DNA profiling.  Do PCR and Gel Electrophoresis simulations on the computers. SPARK lecture today!!
  • Tues 4/21:  Watch videos on application of stem cells:  making artificial organs and skin cell spray guns.  Now, using the new IB books, take notes on gene transfers to bacteria and risks and benefits of Genetically Modified crops.  Do data-analysis questions on Analyzing risks to Monarch butterflies of Bt corn (p. 195) on separate paper to be turned in. If time, continue to bacterial transformation simulation on-line.
  • Thurs 4/23:  Review gel electrophoresis, PCR, and bacterial transformation.  Research issues of genetic modification and make a poster.


Welcome to the 4th Quarter!!

Mon 4/13:  Go over enzyme lab write-up and concepts on Enzyme Quiz.  Work time.
Tues 4/14:  Take Enzyme Quiz.  Time to either work on writing up the Enzyme Lab (including LoggerPro hel0) or to do the 2 Stem Cell On-line Interactives.  Instructions below.
Thurs 4/16:  Turn in Enzyme Lab (hard-copy and through turnitin.com).  Notes on Stem Cells and Cloning (see documents section if you need them).  More time to work on Stem Cell interactives.  Turn those in today or Monday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Enzyme Lab due Thursday 4/16 through turnitin.com and a hard copy

What do you need?
1)  Focused Question
2)  Background information
3)  Variables
4)  Materials
5)  Procedure
6)  Data Table
7)  Calculations
8)  Graph (s)
9)  Conclusion
10)  Evaluation

Click here for help on the Data Parts, Conclusion, and Evaluation.

Virtual Stem Cell Laboratory Assignment and Go Go Stem Cell!

Go to On-Line Virtual Stem Cell Laboratory and Do/Answer the Following on Separate sheet of paper.  You may turn in one sheet for two people.

1)  Define stem cell
2)  What are embryonic stem cells?
3)  Try the coaxing agents and see what they do.  Trace at least 4 pathways to their endpoints.  Describe 4 of these pathways.
4)  Describe what these 4 endpoints are used for (read the text on the website).  For example, motor neuron cells can be used to treat ALS!

Go to Learn Genetics Link and go to Go Go Stem Cell!
1)  What is a niche?
2)  Go to 3 of the possible stem cell niches and go through the simulation. Describe what happens to the cell as it is converted from a stem cell to its particular differentiated cell.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Topics for Enzyme Quiz on Tues 4/14

You can use the Enzyme Notes on this site to help access this information.
  1. Define enzyme and active site
  2. Explain enzyme-substrate specificity (lock and key)
  3. Explain the effects of temperature, pH, and substrate concentration on the enzyme activity (and be able to identify and/or sketch the graphs)
  4. Define enzyme denaturation and describe ways in which it occurs
  5. State that metabolic pathways consist of chains and cycles of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
  6. Describe the induced-fit model for enzymes (extension of lock and key model)
  7. Explain that enzymes lower the activation energy of the chemical reactions that they catalyze (and be able to identify this effect on a graph)
  8. Explain the difference between competitive and non-competitive inhibition, with reference to one example of each.
  9. Explain the control of metabolic pathways by end-product inhibition, including the role of allosteric sites.

Friday, April 3, 2015

End of 3rd Quarter!!

SPARK Lecture  on Fisheries on Monday!!

  • Mon 4/6:  Do 2 other protocols for Enzyme Lab and fill out land hand-out notes.  Please decide what protocol you want to do and what you will change and turn in to me before you go today.
  • Tues 4/7:  Do trials for the lab to determine which quantities you will use.  Lab pre-write and start actual trials if you have time.
  • Thurs 4/9:  Complete trials for the lab and start processing data.  Completed Write-up is due next Thursday 4/16.  Review for short Enzyme, Protein, and DNA Test next Tuesday 4/14.  All end of the quarter work due before the end of the school day.
  • Friday 4/10:  No School!  Teacher Work Day.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Welcome Back from Spring Break!!

Now is the final push before the end of the year!  Hopefully you got some rest and relaxation in and are ready to have a great end to the year!

  • Mon 3/30:  A few notes on enzymes.  Finish Enzyme Worksheet for tomorrow.
  • Tues 3/31:  Turn in Enzyme Worksheet.  A few more notes on enzymes.  Do enzyme computer simulation (explore enzyme action).  Then, in groups of 2 or 3, do the lactase computer simulation.  Answer all the questions on a separate sheet of paper, including copying the data table, making 2 complete graphs.  Substitute uncertainty (high-low divided by 2) for standard deviation and skip SEM.  Your graph should include uncertainty bars.  There will be 20 minutes in class on Thursday to finish this.
  • Thurs 4/2:  Finish Lactase Computer Simulation and turn in (you only need 1 copy per group).  Start Enzyme Lab.  Try 3 protocols!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Week Before Spring Break (yes, I know this is posting kind of late. :) )

  • Mon 3/16:  Notes on Translation!  Turn in Code Worksheet if not already.  
  • Tues 3/17:  Review translation.  Computer simulations on translation (see website).  Jeopardy Review!!
  • Thur 3/19:  Add up EW.  Turn in 16+17 Review (hand-written summary described on review sheet).  Take 16+17 Test.  Pick up Enzyme Worksheet and work on it.  It will be due Tues 3/31.  
Have a Great Spring Break!!

Monday, March 9, 2015


  • Mon 3/9:  Notes on DNA structure and replication basics.  Work on Chapter 16 Worksheet, due tomorrow!
  • Tues 3/10:  Practice Replication.  Get your worksheet initialed and then turn it in.  Start transcription.  Replication and Transcription simulations on the computers.
  • Thurs 3/12:  More on transcription and start translation.  Genetic Code worksheet.  Start reading Chapter 17.  You will have a short test on replication, transcription and translation next Thursday 3/19 before Spring Break!  I will give you a review today.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


  • Mon 2/23:   Check off "Ghost in your Genes" video notes if not already.  Notes on Crossing Over, Linked Genes, Gene Mapping.  Work on Genetics Problems 1-14 at the end of Chapter 15 (to be checked off by the end of the period on Thursday 2/26).
  • Tues 2/24:  Science OAKS testing.  When finished, return to class and work on Genetics Problems.
  • Thurs 2/26:  Explain Gene Mapping.  Finish Genetics Problems 1-14 and check off.  Start reviewing for Genetics Test for next Thursday 3/5.
  • Mon 3/2:  Review for Genetics Test.  SPARK Lecture this afternoon in 169!
  • Tues 3/3:  Last minute review for Genetics Test.  Go over the process of DNA Replication and simulate the process at your table.  Start Reading Chapter 16.
  • Thurs 3/5:  Take Genetics Test.  Review Replication.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Welcome to the 2nd Semester!!! (updated on 2/10)

Congratulations, you've made it halfway through the year!  This is a brand new start, so it's a great time for getting refocused and reenergized for the coming academic term.  It was a very busy end of the term for all of us and I can't wait to get refocused and organized myself!

  • Tues 2/3:  Final Exams Back.  Define Genetic Terms (listed down below) in your notebook.  As a class, go over terms and do an example of a Monohybrid and Dihybrid Cross.  Do multiplication and addition rules if time. Start Reading Chapter 14.
  • Thurs 2/5:  Applying multiplication and addition rules to genetics problems.  More genetics concepts, like codominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, epistasis, etc.  Examples with blood types.  Work on problems: 1-20 at the end of Chapter 14 in old books (1-19 in new books).  Do the problems on separate paper and show ALL work and/or explain thinking.  Problems due next Thurs 2/12.  Read more of Chapter 14.
  • Mon 2/9:    Test Crosses.  Time to work on problems.
  • Tues 2/10:  Chi-Squared Test and Flower Simulation with cards.  Complete simulation and turn in.  Pedigrees.  Hand out Pedigree Worksheet.  Pedigree worksheet due by the End of class of Thursday.  More time for work on problems. Finish reading Chapter 14.
  • Thurs 2/12:  Turn in Genetics Problems.  Chi-Squared Test and Flower Simulation with cards.  Do simulation, complete hand-out and turn in.  Turn in Pedigree Worksheet. 
  • Monday 2/16: Presidents Day.  No School!
  • Tues 2/17:  Chromosomal disorders and karyotyping.  Genetic disorders.  In groups, research several genetic disorders. Share out with the group.
  • Thurs 2/19:  Epigenetics Video. Ethics of Genetic Testing.  Continue reading Chapter 15.
Genetics Terms to be defined in your notebook: Can be found in Chapter 14 of your text.

  • Character
  • Trait
  • True-breeding
  • Monohybrid cross
  • P generation
  • F1 generation
  • F2 generation
  • Allele
  • Dominant allele
  • Recessive allele
  • Homozygous
  • Heterozygous
  • Phenotype
  • Genotype
  • Dihybrid cross
  • Law of segregation
  • Test cross

Friday, January 16, 2015

End of First Semester

  • Mon 1/12:  Notes on Crossing Over.  Start Creature Activity.
  • Tues 1/13:  Make Creature Posters.  Hand back 9+10 tests and recollect.  Start Cell Regulation notes.  Hand out 12+13 Test Review and Semester Review.
  • Thurs 1/15:  Finish Notes on Cell Regulation.  Cell Regulation video.  Go over 12+13 Review and start Semester Review.
  • Mon 1/19:  No School in honor of Martin Luther King Day.
  • Tues 1/20:  Questions?  Take short Cell Division Test.  Review for Final Exam.
  • Thurs 1/22:  Jeopardy Review for Final Exam.
  • Fri 1/23:  Deadline for Late Work and Extra Credit.  Book Groups need to be submitted to Turnitin.com by midnight today.
  • Mon 1/26:  Go over Final Grades.  Calculate what you need on the Final Exam to get your desired grade.
  • Tues 1/27:  First part of Semester Final (Short Answer Part).
  • Thurs 1/29:  Second part of Semester Final (Multiple Choice Part).

Sunday, January 4, 2015

First Week of 2015!!

Welcome back!  We have 3 weeks before finals, so we will do one last short unit (mitosis and meiosis), take a short test, and then review for the Final Exam.  Remember that if you want to do a Book Group for Extra Credit, you need to get organized!  Plan a time to come in to discuss the book by January 23rd.  There is only 1 remaining SPARK lecture this semester and it is the first day back, Monday, January 5th.

Mon 1/5:  Go over phases of mitosis and work on Mitosis Worksheet.
Tues 1/6:  Identifying phases of mitosis in Onion Root Tip slides.  Mitosis demonstration at your table using yarn, string, and chalk.  Finish Mitosis Worksheet and turn in.
Thurs 1/8:  Finish Mitosis activities.  Phases of Meiosis.   Start Reading Chapter 13.
Mon 1/12:  Start Meiosis Creature Activity.  Crossing Over.  Finish Reading Chapter 13.