Tuesday, October 29, 2019

5.3 Questions!

Here are some questions to answer in your notebook after the Evolution Test:

  1. Why do scientists use the binomial system for naming species?
  2. How was this method developed?
  3. List the common names of 10 organisms that interest you and then list their scientific names using the proper format.  You should include a diversity of organisms, including at least one animal, plant, fungus, and bacteria.
  4. List the 3 domains of life and then compare them to each other in terms of their characteristics (see chart on p. 261).
  5. Which domain do humans fit into?
  6. Which of the other 2 domains is ours most similar to?  Explain giving evidence from the chart.
  7. List the principle taxa for classifying eukaryotes and figure out a way to memorize them.  Do you have a good mnemonic (memory aid)?
  8. What does it mean to call the classification of an organism "natural"?
  9. List several advantages of using natural classification.
  10. Looking at the charts on pages 266-268, identify the category that:  a)  has vascular tissue but no pollen  b)  has bilateral symmetry and a mouth but no anus  c)  bilateral symmetry and segmented bodies with jointed appendages   d)  lungs with extensive folding and soft-shelled eggs   e)  Lungs with alveoli and teeth of different types
Will be checked off 11/6-11/7

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