Thursday, January 31, 2019

What's On the Short Meiosis/Genes Test?

  • Be able to describe all the phases of meiosis, in particular, make sure you understand the difference between Meiosis I and Meiosis II
  • Be able to identify phases of meiosis in simple diagrams or pictures
  • Be able to draw and label the stages of crossing over making clear the before, during, and after.  I recommend 4 stages as they showed in the book in 10.1.  Be able to distinguish between homologous chromosomes, sister chromatids, and nonsister chromatids.
  • Be able to describe the significance of independent assortment and how it adds to the variety of gametes.
  • Basic vocabulary involving genes and chromosomes.  In addition you should be able to distinguish between genes, chromosomes, and genomes
  • Be able to describe how nondisjunction occurs and be able to describe two disorders caused by nondisjunction
  • Be able to discuss some ethics of prenatal genetic testing

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