Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Class Activities from Tuesday, November 8th. Do these in your notebook. We will check them off next Tuesday 11/15

Making DNA and RNA Models with Beads
  1. Using the beads make a double-helix with 10 complementary base pairs
  2. Unzip the double helix.  Using one strand as a template, make an RNA strand (remember to use pink beads for ribose sugar)
Questions done in your notebook:
  1. How are the bead models a good representation of the nucleic acids?
  2. How do the bead models fall short?
  3. Give 3 similarities and differences between DNA and RNA

Molecular Modeling Using Software (see my website for link)
  1. Go to the Carbohydrates and look at:  glucose, galactose, sucrose, lactose.  Describe what you see for each.
  2. Now look at glycogen, amylose and amylopectin (2 forms of starch), and cellulose.  Compare the structures.
  3. Go to Amino Acids and look at 3 different amino acids.  Describe what you see.
  4. Go to proteins and look at insulin, hemoglobin, and collagen.  Describe what you see.
  5. Go to lipids and look at saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.  Describe what you see.
  6. Look at triglycerides and phospholipids.  Describe them.
  7. Go to nucleic acids and look at DNA.  Describe it.

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