Sunday, February 28, 2016


The Final Push Before Spring Break!!  We will do a unit on hormones and reproduction and start on the structure and function of neurons and synapses.  We will also continue to review topics from last year during FLEX on Thursdays!

  • Mon 2/29:  Finish checking off Kidney Coloring.  Review and wrap-up kidney material.  Review for Movement and Kidney short test on Wednesday.  We will play a Kahoot game of multiple choice and go over the big topics that can't be reviewed through multiple choice.  Start on Hormones and Homeostasis.
  • Wed 3/2:  Take Movement and Kidney Test.  Go over 5 hormones:  insulin, glucagon, thyroxin, leptin, and melatonin.  Start human reproduction.  Start reading 6.6.
  • Fri 3/4:  Sex determination in males and females.  Male and female reproductive anatomy.  The human menstrual cycle. Reproductive system coloring sheet, due Tuesday 3/8.Finish reading 6.6.
  • Tues 3/8:  Review the human menstrual cycle.  In Vitro Fertilization.  Spermatogenesis and oogenesis.  Fertilization.  Start reading 11.4.
  • Thurs 3/10:  Implantation.  Structure of the placenta.  A little bit on birth.  Finish reading 11.4.  Hand out review for hormone and reproduction test next Wed 3/16.
  • Mon 3/14:  Review hormone and reproduction topics for test on Wednesday.  Start neurons?
  • Wed 3/16:  Reproduction Test!  Start neurons.  Start reading 6.5.
  • Fri 3/18:  Nerve impulses and synapses.  Finish reading 6.5 and please read Option A on Neurobiology and Behavior over Spring Break!!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Required IB Form for Group 4

All of you need to fill this out and submit it to the appropriate class (see below)

  • The form is found here:
  • Go to the link "Forms"
  • You cannot use Google Chrome to save entries into the form
  • Use Adobe Reader to open, complete, and save the form.
  • Save your form with this file name format:  last name_group 4 form.pdf (for example:  Wadkins_group 4 form.pdf)
  • Submit your form to
  • Class ID-12014069
  • Enrollment Password:  Scienceisfun
  • Deadline:  As soon as you can, but flexible.  I will continue to remind you.

School Number:  000517
Session:   May 2016
Biology  HL
Session # is your personal number, you may ask your teach

Title for Group 4:  A study of sustainability and livability in Portland.
Title for your Individual IA:  Be specific

What's on Muscle and Kidney Short Test on Wednesday 3/2?

  • Concept of antagonistic muscle pairs (where are some?)
  • Types of joints (hinge, ball-and-socket, pivot)
  • Be able to label a human elbow joint (bones, muscles, ligaments, cartilage, etc) and know the functions of the parts
  • Be able to label a muscle fibre and understand what makes them unique
  • Be able to draw and label a sarcomere
  • Describe the steps involved in a muscle contraction (role of ATP, calcium ions, troponin and tropomyosin, power stroke, cross-bridge, etc)
  • Know the functions of the human kidney and be able to describe the Malpighian tubule system
  • Draw and label a human kidney (6 parts)
  • Be able to annotate a diagram of a nephron and glomerulus
  • Be able to describe how the composition of blood in the renal artery is different from the blood in the renal vein
  • Be able to describe how the ultrastructure of the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule facilitate ultrafiltration (think about pressure, fenestrated capillaries, basement membrane composition, and podocytes)
  • Outline what happens at the proximal convoluted tubule
  • Outline what happens during the loop of Henle and understand its ultimate purpose (to maintain a salty--or hypertonic-- medulla!!!)
  • Know that there is a positive correlation between the length of the loop of Henle and the need for water conservation in animals
  • Understand how ADH controls reabsorption of water in the collecting duct
  • Give examples of how the nitrogenous waste in animals is correlated with evolution and habitat
  • Applications: consequences of dehydration and overhydration, treatment of kidney failure by hemodialysis or kidney transplant, blood cells, glucose, proteins, and drugs can all be detected in urinary tests

Friday, February 12, 2016

11.2 Movement Notes

After the Immunology Quiz on Friday, please do the following in your notes:  The IB book is helpful and also the video link on the sliding filament model.

  1. Explain how bones and exoskeletons provide anchorage for muscles and act as levers.  (look at diagrams on p. 477).
  2. Explain the concept of antagonistic muscle pairs and give an example with humans and with insects.
  3. Examine the diagram of the human elbow joint on p. 478.  Then, list the structure and function of  a)  cartilage     b)  synovial fluid      c)  joint capsule
  4. Distinguish between a hinge joint and a ball and socket joint, giving an example of each in humans.
  5. What are the 3 types of muscles?  Why are skeletal muscles called striated?
  6. Look at the diagram of a muscle fibre on p. 480 and attempt to draw it in your notes, labeling the important parts:  sarcolemma, nuclei, myofibrils, and sarcoplasmic reticulum. 
  7. Draw a diagram of a sarcomere and label:  actin, myosin, z-line, light band, and dark band.  
  8. Describe the process of muscle contraction (p. 482)
  9. Now, list the steps of controlling a muscle contraction.  Start with signal from motor neuron to muscle fibre, then sarcoplasmic reticulum releases _________, and continue through the process listed in the diagram on p. 483.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Passion for Sustainability Make-Up

If you missed this video when we watched it last Thursday 2/4, here are the instructions for how to make it up.  Answer the questions on the Passion for Sustainability worksheet as you watch the video that is linked on my website, but you don't have to watch the whole thing!

Start at about 14:20, where they explain the four steps of the Natural Step.
Then skip to about 22:45 and watch the clips on Terraclean, Hawthorne Auto, and Hot Lips.
Then skip to about 34:41 and watch the clips on Tualatin Valley Water District and the Joinery.

On the back of the worksheet you answer general questions about the video and what it could mean for Portland's future.  Do research on sustainability from a couple of different countries for the last question.

Monday, February 8, 2016

What's On Friday's Immunology Quiz?

  • 10 Multiple Choice Questions
  • 2-3 Short Answer Questions, but you will have 4-5 to choose from
  • 1 Longer Question where you outline the process of acquired immunity (start with macrophage "eats" pathogen, then presents antigen on the outside using MHC protein, etc.)
  • Pick Discussion Question.  Explain scientific concepts and social/ethical issues on the topic of either vaccination or HIV/AIDS.

General Topics:
  • Process of blood clotting
  • Specific and Nonspecific Defense Systems (includes barrier defenses, phagocytes, and lymphocytes (B and T cells).
  • Be able to outline the process of an acquired immune response (look at the big diagram explaining it!) using appropriate vocabulary.
  • Be able to describe what makes HIV unique and what it does to the immune system.  Know how it is transmitted and how it is NOT transmitted.
  • Use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria.  Make sure you understand why antibiotics do not work on viruses
  • Outline the principles of vaccination and how a vaccine works to give an acquired response to a dangerous pathogen.
  • Distinguish between active immunity and passive immunity.
  • Outline the process of making monoclonal antibodies and what they can be used for.
  • Antigens on red blood cells stimulate antibody production in a person with a different blood type.
  • (Histamines are released by white blood cells and cause allergic symptoms.)
  • (Pathogens can be species-specific or cross species boundaries)