Making DNA and RNA Models with Beads
- Using the beads make a double-helix with 10 complementary base pairs
- Unzip the double helix. Using one strand as a template, make an RNA strand (remember to use pink beads for ribose sugar)
Questions done in your notebook:
- How are the bead models a good representation of the nucleic acids?
- How do the bead models fall short?
- Give 3 similarities and differences between DNA and RNA
Molecular Modeling Using Software (see my website for link)
- Go to the Carbohydrates and look at: glucose, galactose, sucrose, lactose. Describe what you see for each.
- Now look at glycogen, amylose and amylopectin (2 forms of starch), and cellulose. Compare the structures.
- Go to Amino Acids and look at 3 different amino acids. Describe what you see.
- Go to proteins and look at insulin, hemoglobin, and collagen. Describe what you see.
- Go to lipids and look at saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Describe what you see.
- Look at triglycerides and phospholipids. Describe them.
- Go to nucleic acids and look at DNA. Describe it.
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