Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday March 30, 2020 Update

Hi Students!  Mostly I talk about IA's and IB scores in this video.  We will start holding some on-line classes soon.  Take care of yourselves!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

I got nothing, so here is a video of the chicks!

Happy Thursday Students!  I am taking a break from grading IA's, so here is a video of the growing chicks!  They started out in a cage in the garage, but they were moved out into a side of the chicken barn a few days ago.  The loud noises in the background are from the grown up chickens.  I will include a photo of them as well.

The grown up chickens:

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020 Update

Hi Students!  Well, I am definitely not the most smooth presenter.  After 6 or so takes, "this" is what I came up with.  :)    I have a lot more empathy for politicians and such who have to live with their live gaffes as they go.  Oh well.  I know you all are a forgiving audience.  In this video I talk about the cancelled IB exams and also encourage all of you who haven't turned in your IA to please turn it in!!

Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020 Update Video and Baby Chicks!

Good morning students!  Here is the video update for today.  Keep working through the IB Biology curriculum and get out there and enjoy the outdoors!!

Baby Chick Photo from March 18, 2020.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My First Video

Here is my first youtube video for this class, made on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.  I have at least one correction.  I said that reproduction is in 6.6 and 11.3, but it's actually 11.4.

I am planning to do some videos that will go through some of the trickier topics.  Work through the Reproduction Worksheet as well as you can, send me questions, and I will provide updates. 

Monday, March 16, 2020

First Week of Social Isolation

Hello IB Bio 3-4 Students!  What a crazy time this is!  Last week we were going to school as normal and this week we are stuck at home for who knows how long?!  But as far as I know, the IB exam will go on and I want to help you get ready for it.  Plus, we have some amazing biology topics left to learn about just for their own sake. 

First of all, I encourage you to read the NY Times article about how the corona virus affects the human body that I have in the links and right here.  You have to sign into their site, but all corona virus articles on NY Times are free, so you don't have to pay to read it.   It is really interesting, especially since we just covered immunology.

For this week, I encourage you to complete the reproduction worksheet (sorry, 7th period, I forgot to hand this out on Friday!)  You can use my notes, the book, and any other reputable resources, although I especially recommend IB resources because they will help you hit the right level of understanding.   Stay tuned for updates. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What's Coming Up?

  • Tues/Wed 3/10-3/11:  Take Movement and Kidney Test.  When finished, start reading 6.6 and take notes on the functions of:  insulin, glucagon, thyroxin, leptin, and melatonin.  Also, outline diabetes, and the differences between type I and type II diabetes.
  • Thurs/Fri 3/12-3/13:  Please turn in signed Cadaver Field Trip forms if not already.   Remember to get all signatures!  Sign up for Field Trip groups.  Also, if you are going to bring in an Amazon gift card, please do so before the weekend so we know how much we are giving to the grad students.  Notes on hormones and the male and female reproductive systems.  Start Reproduction Worksheet, due Fri/Mon.
  • Mon/Tues 3/16-3/17:   Notes on oogenesis, spermatogenesis, and fertilization.  Work on Reproduction Worksheet.  To be finished next class.
  • Tues 3/17:  Cadaver Field Trip is Cancelled.  :(
  • Wed/Thurs 3/18-3/19: Early fetal development, the placenta, check off reproduction worksheet.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Lesson Plan for Friday 2/28/20

Early Work:    What do you think your kidneys do?
Daily Schedule:
  1. EW
  2. Kidney Video
  3. Kidney Worksheet
  4. Also, do 2 out of the 4 DBQ’s in section 11.3
  5. Read 11.3
  6. Turn in your self/peer review of IA before you turn in your lab
  7. Get your IA submitted through soon 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Movement and the Kidney

The next unit is an odd combination of 2 short sections:  Movement (11.2) and the Kidney (11.3).  

  • Mon/Tues 2/24-2/25:  Introduction to muscles and movement.  Types of joints, structure of a sarcomere, etc.  Muscle Action Video.  Read 11.2
  • Wed/Thurs 2/26-2/27:  Chicken Wing Dissection (Non-dissection option for students who have strong objection to dissection).  Structure of the elbow joint.  11.2 DBQ's.
  • Fri/Mon 2/28-3/2:  Structure and functions of the kidney.  The nephron.  Read 11.3.
  • Tues/Thurs 3/3-3/5:  Kidney Dance.  What happens as material travels through the nephron.  Problems with the kidney.  
  • Wed 3/4:  Full 8 Schedule.  Go over kidney concepts and review chapters from last year.
  • Fri/Mon 3/6-3/9:  Review movement and the kidney and start hormones!  Kahoot review for test on Tues/Wed 3/10-3/11.  
  • Tues/Wed 3/10-3/11:  Movement and Kidney Short Test.  More on hormones (insulin and glucagon).  Read 6.6.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Some Guidelines for Writing Up Your Internal Assessment

  1. Any identifying information should be removed, including that of subjects you used and your own name.  I will know it is yours because it is coming from your account.
  2. The page limit is 6-12 pages.  We were not given any requirements for font size or spacing, but those should be chosen to enable clear and easy reading of the paper.  Labs that go over 12 pages will be penalized in the Communication section of the grade.
  3. You should list both a topic for your investigation (more general) and a focused question.  The question should truly be focused and generally includes both the manipulated and the responding variable, as well as information that identifies what specifically you are working with.
  4. Background:  Generally goes from more general to more specific.  Includes background on the science of your topic, why you are choosing it, and leads into what you will be doing in your lab.  Citations should be used for information that you got from outside sources.  If you include a direct quote, then use quotation marks in addition to identifying the source.  At this level of lab report the background is typically a page long or so.
  5. A discussion of significant safety, ethical, and environmental issues should be included where relevant.  If using something that needs special handling, like toxic chemicals, bacteria, etc, you should include how you maintained safe conditions.  If using animals, like Daphnia, describe how you ensured the least amount of harm.  If using humans, include a copy of your blank Release Statement and describe how it ensured safety and privacy for your subjects.  When it comes to environmental issues, what did you do to ensure a low impact on the environment.
  6. Variables:  List the manipulated and responding variables.  List at least 5 variables that needed to be controlled, why they needed to be controlled, and how you controlled them or attempted to control them.
  7. Methodology:  Outline your methodology in a way that it could be accurately repeated by another person.  You should include how you measured things, how many trials you did, what amounts you used, etc.  Many students include a labeled diagram and/or photo to show their set up.  This can be very helpful when it is difficult to explain in words what you are doing.
  8. Data Table:  Should have title, labels, units, uncertainty for each quantity measured, etc.  You are also responsible for recording qualitative data (observations).  Remember that observations are what you actually observed through one of your senses during the data-taking and not just a summary of your data.  You can put annotations under your data table to explain your justification for the uncertainty or to make note of outliers or special conditions.
  9. Data Processing:  This can include graphs that have all the components of a good graph (including uncertainty bars), calculations, charts, etc.  You need to clearly show one sample calculation for each type of calculation that you do.
  10. Conclusion:  Referring back to the original question, make a concluding statement about your results.  Use SPECIFIC data to back yourself up.  Remember that averages should be used to outline trends where appropriate.  Discuss the impact of uncertainty on the ability to draw conclusions.  Use science to try to explain your results.  You might not know exactly why your results came out the way they did, but you should try to use your knowledge to come up with reasonable explanations.  
  11. Evaluation:  Strengths and Weaknesses of your methodology should be discussed (at least 3 of each!).  For each of the weaknesses/limitations you should also come up with a suggested improvement that is reasonable and specific.  You can use the type of chart that we used on other labs to list your weaknesses, impact, and improvements if you would like.  Finally, suggest one or more possible extensions for this lab.  This is different from the improvements.  Here you are actually coming up with a variation of your lab that would tell you more about the topic.
  12. Communication:  Your entire lab will be scored for communication in terms of clear presentation, correct usage of subject-specific terminology, few errors, readable tables and charts, etc.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Beginning of Semester 2! (The last one for most of you!)

Hello Students!  We are going to be very busy during Semester 2.  Here are some things to have on your horizon and the plans for the first few weeks of semester 2.

Wed, February 12th:  Group IV Project at PSU.  This is an all-day field trip required for students who are IB testing in science.  If you did it last year, you do not have to do it again.  Please get your 2 field trip forms signed by Friday 2/7!

Tues, March 17th:  Cadaver Field Trip.  This is not required, although most students choose to go.  There will be more details and field trip forms later.  It will be a half-day field trip at most.

  • Tues/Wed 1/28-1/29:  Final Exams back, check them over, and then return them.  Overview of the 2nd semester.  Hand out HIV/AIDS/Vaccination/Antibiotics worksheet.  This will be checked off by Wed/Thurs 2/5-2/6.  Work time for your IA.  Read 6.3 and 11.1.
  • Thurs/Fri 1/30-1/31:  Notes on Blood Components and blood clotting.  Work time on IA.
  • Mon/Tues  2/3-2/4:  Notes on Acquired Immune System.  Work time on IA.  HIV/AIDS/Vaccination worksheet needs to be checked off by Wed/Thurs for full credit.
  • Wed/Thurs 2/5-2/6:  Notes on Functions of Antibodies and Monoclonal Antibody Production.  Check off HIV/AIDS/Vaccination worksheet.  Work time on IA's.
  • Fri/Mon 2/7-2/10:  Go over HIV/AIDS/Vaccination.  Prep for Group IV Project.  Work time on IA's.  
  • Tues 2/11:  Work time for Group IV Project.
  • Wed 2/12:  Group IV Project.  Meet at PSU!  If you are not doing Group IV, meet in the room I tell you to meet in.
  • Thurs/Fri 2/13-2/14:  Last day for Internal Assessment work.
  • Tues/Wed 2/18-2/19  Peer Review for Rough Draft of Internal Assessment.  Kahoot Review for Immunology Test on 2/20-2/21.
  • Thurs/Fri 2/20-2/21:  Immunology Test.  Start Muscle and Movement.  Read 11.2.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

What's on the Digestion Quiz (on Tues/Wed 1/14-1/15)

  • Draw/Annotate the Human Digestion System, labeling 10 things (must include the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas)
  • Describe the journey of the food through the digestive system, using amazing vocabulary like bolus, peristalsis, epiglottis, chyme, etc!
Short-answery-type things:  Answer 2 out of the 3 
  • List 4 enzymes from different parts of the body, where they are made, where they function, and what they break into what
  • Outline how structure affects function for the villi (at least 5 different things)
  • Outline the special absorption methods needed by fats and glucose

Monday, January 6, 2020

Welcome to 2020!!

Welcome back for the last 3 weeks of the second to last semester of your high school experience (well, for most of you!).  The late work and extra credit deadline for this semester is Friday, January 17, 2020.  If you are doing a Book Group, you need to make sure that you are communicating with your group about when to come in for your discussion.  We will have 2 FLEXes this week (Wednesday and Thursday) and 2 FLEXes next week (Thursday and Friday).  Additionally, I will be in my room Monday, January 13 during lunch for book groups.

The other thing you need to be working on is your Internal Assessment.  Your pre-write for the IA (focused question, background, variables, methodology, and blank data table) are due Friday, January 10 through and no later than Friday, January 17th.  Finally, we will be taking data for the IA these first 2 weeks of January and the first few weeks of the 2nd semester.  Make sure that you test things out before you finalize your procedure, as there are often problems that you can't anticipate until you actually try your procedure.  Remember that it is YOUR procedure and you take ownership over your investigation by researching, trying things, and then adapting things to work better for you.  Make observations, write down your successes and failures, and take photos to document your process!

The Schedule for the End of the Semester:

  • Mon/Tues 1/6-1/7:  Overview of the end of the semester.  Take notes on digestion.  Work on digestion worksheet and work on your IA.  Get plants planted!
  • Wed/Thurs 1/8-1/9:  Notes on structure of villi and other notes on absorption.  Check off digestion worksheet.  Work on your IA pre-write.  Remember that the pre-write is due this Friday through!  Fine tune your IA procedure.
  • Fri/Mon 1/10-1/13:  Short digestion quiz Tues/Wed.  Joe Eats a Burger digestion demonstration.  Go over what will be on it and practice drawing and labeling the human digestive system.  Work on your pre-write and/or take data.
  • Tues/Wed 1/14-1/15:  Digestion Quiz.  Start Reviewing for the Final Exam (review is on this website in the document section).  Review ecology.
  • Thurs/Fri 1/16-1/17:  More review for the final exam.  Go over evolution and biodiversity and play Kahoot!  Late work/extra credit deadline is Friday 1/17!
  • Mon 1/20/2020:  Martin Luther King Day Holiday.  No School!
  • Tues 1/21/2020:  Full 8 Day.  Last minute review for the final and confirm your pre-final exam semester grade.
  • Wed 1/22/2020:  Finals:  1, 2, and 4
  • Thurs 1/23/2020:  Finals:  5, 6, and 8
  • Fri 1/24/2020:  Finals:  3, 7, and Makeup exams (but remember that makeup exams must be excused and prearranged)