Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Respiration Topics To Be Studied 12/15 and 12/17 and on your own during January Data Collection

You May Use My Notes, Your At-Home Text, and The Scanned 6.4 Section on this Website
  • Be able to describe the purpose of ventilation
  • Describe structure and function for alveoli, including type I and type II pneumocytes (cells in the alveoli)
  • Identify anatomy of the respiratory system, including trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles
  • Be able to describe “negative pressure” breathing and the muscle contractions that force air in and out of the lungs (inspiration and expiration)
  • Understand the concept of antagonistic muscle action and the antagonist pairs at work in breathing
  • Be able to discuss causes and consequences of lung cancer and emphysema
  • Suggest methods for monitoring of ventilation in humans at rest and after mild and vigorous exercise (ventilation rate and tidal volume)

Friday, December 11, 2015

Heart Quiz on Tuesday, December 15

What's on it?

  • Label parts on a heart diagram (similar to the one on your circulation worksheet)
  • Outline the path of the blood through the heart chambers, vessels, and valves
  • Distinguish between arteries, veins, and capillaries in terms of their properties, locations, etc.
  • Describe how valves (heart and vein) work to keep blood going one way and not the other
  • Describe the control of the heart beat (via sinoatrial node, 2 nerves from medulla of brain, and a hormone.  Also know about the conducting fibers and what it means to be myogenic muscle)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Now until Winter Break!!

  • Mon 12/7:  Pig Heart Dissection!  With 1 or 2 other people, dissect the pig heart.  Draw external heart, internal heart, label and measure as many parts as you can, and write observations.  Pluck demonstration of pig lung action.  Finish working on Circulation Worksheet, due Wednesday.  Field Trip form due for anyone planning on going on the PM Cadavaer Field Trip on Wednesday.
  • Wed 12/9:  AM:  Notes on Blood Vessels and Heart Structure.  Finish working on Circulation Worksheet and get it checked off.  Turn in Dissection observations/drawings/and measurements if not already.  PM:  Cadaver Field Trip!  Please arrive in the room by 11:40 so that we can leave in good time.  Bring your Tri-Met pass, wear comfortable clothes, and make sure that you are well-rested and fed.
  • Fri 12/11:  Control of the Heart Beat.  Use measuring tools to take blood pressure and heart rate.  Go over what will be on the Heart Quiz next Tuesday.  Turn in your proposed research question for the "Big IA".
  • Tues 12/15:  Review the heart!!  Circulation Quiz on blood vessels, path of the blood through the heart, valve function, and control of the heart's rhythm.  When finished, study the structure of the lungs.  If time, we will go over the process of breathing.
  • Thurs 12/17:  Please turn your proposed procedure for the Big IA, including the equipment that you will need.  Gas exchange at the alveoli.  Read 6.4.