Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Weeks of 10/19-11/13

  • Mon 10/19:  Notes on Evidence for Evolution and Natural Selection.  Data-based questions on pp. 244, 249, 253, and 257.  Beak of the Finch Quiz on Chapters 1-3 on Mon 10/26!  Please bring your book!
  • No School Wed 10/21-Fri 10/23 for Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences.
  • Mon 10/26:  Quiz on Chapters 1-3 of Beak of the Finch.  Finish data-based questions.  Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Simulation.
  • Wed 10/28:  Independent Activity Packet while we rotate each group t
  • Wed 10/28:  Catch up day to finish data-based questions and the Hardy-Weinberg Packet.  2nd Beak of the Finch quiz (Chapters 4-6) on Mon 11/2.
  • Fri 10/30:  No School.  Grading Day.
  • Mon 11/2:  Beak quiz on Chapters 4-6.  Note-taking on Speciation and Barriers to Reproduction.  Introduce Populations Lab.
  • Wed 11/4:  Evolution of Life on Earth.  Endosymbiotic Theory.
  • Fri 11/6:  Beak Lab.  Graph Results and start answering lab questions.  Please turn in your question and projected plan (procedure and materials) for the Populations Lab today or Tuesday.
  • Tues 11/10:  Beak of the Finch quiz on Chapters 7-9.   Finish beak lab and turn it in (your personal data, your 2 graphs, and the answers to the questions).  Hand out Evolution Review for Test Thursday 11/19.
  • Wed 11/11:  Veteran's Day Holiday.
  • Fri 11/13:  Replicas of Human Skulls Activity.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Biodiversity Test on Thursday 10/15

The test will consist of:
1)  6-8 Multiple Choice Questions
2)  I will give you 8-10 organisms to sort and you can sort them using a cladogram or a dichotomous key
3)  1 data-based question (including 3-4 questions)
4) 3-5 short answer questions.  Could include comparisons of organisms in different phyla or chordate classes, a question on how to make cladograms using amino acid sequences, question on the binomial system, the 3 domains, etc.
5)  List 2 distinct species from Kingdom to Species (must be at least in different classes)
6)  You might have to interpret a cladogram that has numbers on it, using the numbers to determine how far apart the species are evolutionarily.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Weeks of 10/5-10/16

  • Tues 10/6:  How to build a cladogram video.  Build a cladogram activity using morphological characteristics.  Go over Biodiversity topics for test next Thursday 10/15.  Work on Animal Poster Project due next Tues 10/13. 
  • Thurs 10/8:  How to build a cladogram using Uniprot and amino acid sequences.  Finish poster project.
  • Tues 10/13:  Walk-around evaluation of animal posters.  Questions on Biodiversity topics?  Evidence for Evolution.
  • Thurs 10/15:  Biodiversity test.  Natural Selection.