Friday, May 17, 2013


  • Mon 5/13:  Notes on Flowers.  Hand out Hoyt Arboretum Field Trip Permission Slip.  Read 38.1.
  • Tues 5/14:  Finish notes on flowers:   monocots vs. dicots.  Flower Dissection. Read 38.2.
  • Thurs 5/16:  Notes on Plant Hormones.  Auxin, Phytochromes, Gibberellin.  Videos on Plant Pollinators.  Bring your Field Trip Permission Slip signed by Monday!!  Read 39.2 and 39.3
  • Mon 5/20:  SPARK Lecture today on Ground Water Quality (3:30 in 169).  Signed Permission Slip due.  Recognizing plants in Hoyt Arboretum.  
  • Tues 5/21:  Get to class as soon as possible.  Come prepared for all weather and bring your Tri-Met bus pass!
  • Thurs 5/23:  Incredible video on plants!!  Answer video notes and turn in.  Hand out Plant Review.  Plant Test on Thursday, 5/30.  Test moved to Monday 6/3.  Begin writing answers to the review.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Remember that the Seed Germination Lab is due Thursday, May 16th!  You need to get your data taken soon so that you can complete the write-up on time!
  • Mon 4/29:  Brainstorm plant questions, share with small group, and then share out with large group.
  • Tues 4/30:  Plant origins and roots.  Leaf worksheet.  Answer questions on side 1 and color side 2.  Get checked off.  Skim Chapter 29.
  • Thurs 5/2:  Notes on stems.  Gather plant parts in the Lincoln Yard.  Get 10 different leaves, 3 roots and 3 stems.  In the classroom, draw 5 leaves, 2 roots, and 1 stem.  Label all the parts that you can and then write a caption describing the features of each sample (color, texture, where it was found, special features).  Read 35.1.
  • Mon 5/6:  Notes on plant growth.  Finish drawings and turn in.  Read 35.2-35.4.
  • Tues 5/7:  Water transport in plants.  Transpiration.  Adaptations of Xerophytes.  Start short transpiration lab.  Read 36.1-36.4.
  • Thurs 5/9:  Plant reproduction:  flowers. Monocots vs. Dicots.  Read 38.1-38.2 (move to next week).  Transport in phloem.  Compare xylem and phloem.  Finish transpiration lab from Tuesday.  On-line transpiration simulation.  There is a hand-out on this website and a link to the site on this website.  For people who were here, the assignment is due Tuesday, 5/14 and for students with excused absences or taking IB tests, the assignment is due Monday 5/20.