Monday, April 15, 2013

Bioethics Debate (Thursday, April 18)

On Tuesday, April 16, research the history and science behind your topic (topics listed below), in addition to researching its pros and cons.  On Thursday, April 18 explain your topic to the class and present positives and negatives of the technology (5-8 minutes).   After the debate, submit a bibliography of 5 solid resources, a list of who did what in your group, and a 1-2 page summary of your findings.

On the day of the "debate", your group will have 5-8 minutes to present, followed by 5-10 minutes of questions and comments from other class members.

The Topics:
1)  Reproductive Cloning
2)  Stem Cells
3)  Genetically-modified organisms (GMO's).  Include both plants (crops) and animals.
4)  DNA Sequencing (include the history of the Human Genome Project)

DNA Fingerprinting Lab: Due by Monday, April 22.

1.Analyze a copy of your gel or the one provided if yours is inconclusive.  This means take measurements (in millimeters) of each line and compare to the ladder (information down below).  I recommend making a data table to present your data.
2.Write a 2-page testimony that you would give to a jury.   a)  Explain the concept of DNA fingerprinting and how gel electrophoresis works.   b)  Use your data (numbers) to indicate which suspect (if any) you think is guilty of the crime.   c)  Discuss sources of uncertainty and what your team did to reduce these sources of uncertainty (you may pretend that you are a well-seasoned team).
3.  Cite any sources you used.
4.Submit to by Monday 4/22  and turn in a hard copy to me.  

Ladder Information:  Lambda/HindIII markers: 
Band #1:  23.1 kb, Band #2:  9.42 kb,  Band #3:  6.56 kb,  Band #4:  4.36 kb, Band #5: 2.32 kb, Band #6:  2.03 kb

Sunday, April 14, 2013


3rd Quarter Grades are Updated.  Check yours and see if you have any questions.  There is a SPARK lecture on Monday 4/15 on Earthquakes.   SPARK lecture write-ups will now only be accepted through  Welcome to the 4th Quarter.  We are down to the final stretch!!

  • Monday 4/15:  Check off Restriction Enzyme Worksheet and go over.  Check off Cloning of a Gene steps.   View your gels and take photos to share with the group.  Start measuring your gels.  Write-up for DNA Fingerprinting Lab due Monday 4/22.
  • Tues 4/16:  Measuring your gel.  Go over Bacterial Transformation.  Research on Biotech Ethical Issues for "Debate" on Thursday.
  • Thursday 4/18:  Bioethics debate.  Hand out Biotech Review for test on Thursday 4/25.
  • Monday 4/22:  Turn in DNA Fingerprinting Lab.  Go over review for Biotech Test.
  • Tuesday 4/23:  ACT Testing day for Juniors.
  • Thursday 4/25:  Turn in Biotech Review.  Take Biotech test.  Start Plants!!
Remember that your Seed Germination Lab is due Thursday 5/16.  If you haven't started it yet, it is time....

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Class Activities 4/1-4/9

  • Mon 4/1:  Quick intro to Stem Cells.  Stem Cell Interactive on computers.  Each pair turns in short hand-out (see description in previous entry).  Read 20.1.
  • Tues 4/2:  Notes on Stem Cells and Cloning.  Video on replacement body parts.  "Click and Clone" simulation and PCR simulation,.  Notes on PCR.  
  • Thurs 4/4:  Finish up PCR and discuss Human Genome Project.  Introduce Biotech equipment.  Biotech Practice Lab.  Complete lab and turn in.  Hand-out DNA Profiling Lab.  Please read this lab carefully before class on Monday.  If time, do restriction enzyme activity.  Read 20.2.
  • Mon 4/8 (Block Day):  First day of DNA Profiling Lab.  While waiting for DNA to be digested, do restriction enzyme activity.  
  • Wed 4/10:  Deadline for Late Work/Extra Credit.   Second day of DNA Profiling Lab. Run gels and then view them in the illuminator.  While waiting for gels to run, go over Bacterial Transformation.  Read 20.3.
I highly recommend getting your seed germination lab going this week-end if not already!   The lab is due Thursday, May 16th, but that will creep up on you if you don't get started early.